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Our Staff

Our Staff

At Boulder Ridge we take pride in hiring fun, responsible and qualified staff. Our staff range in age from 16 to 50+ and includes students, teachers and parents. All staff are subject to annual background checks. Additionally, new staff must provide 3 references. Our infirmary is led by a licensed nurse with previous pediatric experience.

Jessie Seymour

Camp Director

Jessie began working at Boulder Ridge in 2014! She worked as a K-2 counselor for 7 years before taking on the role of the K-2 Coordinator, and then, in 2022 became Assistant Director and then Director. Camp is her favorite place to be during the summer, and she is so excited to be back for another fun summer at BRDC!

Jessie graduated in 2018 with her Bachelor’s of Science in Child Psychology with a certification in Early Childhood Education from Eastern Connecticut State University. In 2020, she graduated with her Master’s Degree in Special Education for grades K-12 from Central Connecticut State University. During the school year, Jessie teaches Kindergarten. She loves working with children and seeing their growth throughout the year.

Heather Hinman

Assistant Director

Heather has been with Boulder Ridge since the summer of 2016.  That first summer, it didn’t take long for her to see the magic in camp.  She continued to work with Boulder Ridge during the summer months for the next few years until she joined the Ebner Camps team year round in 2021.  Heather is the Executive Assistant to the President/CEO in the off season and the Assistant Director at Boulder Ridge during the summer. Heather enjoys her off season role recruiting staff in Europe and assisting the Leadership teams at all 4 camps in the planning for the upcoming camp seasons. 

When Heather is not working, you can find her on the sidelines at either her son’s high school football games, or her daughter’s high school soccer games.  She is a dedicated mother and wife to her husband of 20 years.  Heather is looking forward to helping camp run smoothly for many summers to come.

Kristin Ebner Martin

President/CEO of Ebner Camps, Inc.

Kristin Ebner Martin is the President/CEO of Ebner Camps, Inc.. She follows in the footsteps of her father (Buzz Ebner), her aunt (Barbara Ebner) and grandfather (the late Oscar Ebner Sr.), who all served as Directors of Awosting and Chinqueka, as well as President/Vice President of Ebner Camps, for several decades. Kris spent her first summer at Awosting at the age of 5 months! As a child, she attended our sister camp, Chinqueka, and later joined the staff as a CIT, counselor and Program Director. Kris has been the Waterfront Director or Director at Chinqueka or Awosting for over 30 years. As President, Kris’ primary goal is to ensure the children at all of our camps have a safe, caring and fun environment where they can grow and develop into responsible young men and women.

Kris has a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership from Charter Oak State College and a Master of Arts degree in Education from Ashford University. In between her time as Director of Chinqueka and Awosting, Kris served as Executive Director of a YMCA camp in Florida. Kris is one of the founding owners of Eagle Rock,. She is an active member of the American Camp Association and Connecticut Camping Association.

Kris is a mother to 3 boys. She and her youngest son, Hugh live in Connecticut, near camp. When not coordinating the operations at the 4 Ebner Camps, Kris is a 40 year member of her barbershop chorus, enjoys traveling, reading, spending time with her dog Scoot and her friends & family. She also has a new love, a beautiful granddaughter Tahlia Fay who will undoubtedly spend her summers at Chinqueka in the near future.